Complimentary express Australia wide shipping with tracking is included with every break. To ensure your cards arrive safely, they are securely placed inside team bags, then protected within bubble mailers, and finally packed in durable cardboard boxes for shipping.
In some cases, we may hold your cards if their value doesn’t justify the shipping cost, such as when you only have base cards or a small number of low-value cards. These will be stored and sent together once your stack reaches a qualifying value. Alternatively, you can request to have your cards shipped during the next available run by contacting us directly through our Contact Us form.
For our Australian customers, we schedule a shipping run at least every two weeks. During periods of high demand or new releases, we may increase the frequency to weekly. The process is fully automated, so you don’t need to take any action. Our postage cutoff occurs every second Tuesday, and all cards from breaks up to that date are shipped the following Thursday or Friday.